Curriculum Vitae

Jau-hwa Chen
Dept. of Philosophy
70, Linhsi Rd., Shihlin,
Taipei, Taiwan 111
Office: 886-2-28819471, ext. 6232


Ph.D.       Bonn University, Germany, 1987-1992, Philosophy.
M.A.       Tunghai University, Taiwan, 1983-1985, Philosophy
B.A.        Tunghai University, Taiwan, 1979-1983, Philosophy

Professional employment

Professor of Philosophy, Soochow University, Since 2010/10
Associate Professor of Philosophy, Soochow University, Since 1994-2010/9.
Visiting Scholar of the German Institute for Human Rights, 2006-2007, Berlin, Germany.


Chairperson, Board of Directors, Peacetime Foundation of Taiwan, since 2012

·       Advocacy for peace and conflict resolution
·       Coordination of GPPAC NEA(Global Partnership on Prevention of Armed Conflict, North East Asia), Taipei Focal Point
·       Coordination of human rights, peace and development education

President, Board of Directors, Taiwanese Feminist Scholars Association, 2011-2013

·       To expand feminist activities on campus in order to consolidate gender equality consciousness among university students.
·       To timely respond to current gender-/sex-related events or issues and actively pursue and protect women's rights.

Commissioner of the Task Force for Gender Equality, National Science Council, 2004-2008

·       Consultation of NSC’s policies for gender equality
·       Propose for Taiwan’s Ratification of CEDAW
·       Consultation for the implementation of CEDAW’s agenda

Commissioner of the Task Force for the Promotion of Human Rights Protection, Executive Yuan, Since 2004

·       Consultation of government’s policies for human rights
·       Proposed the ratification and the implementation of CEDAW
·       Coordination of training workshops of international human rights treaties for government’s officials and NGOs
·       Coordination of drafting human rights law

Director of Human Rights Program, Soochow University, 2004-2006

·       Program’s founder
·       Responsible for organizing courses and teaching activity
·       Responsible for the Program activities including budgeting, staffing, networking, resourcing, and grant writing
·       Coordinator of internship
·       Coordinator of symposia series

Senior Fellow of Chang F0-Chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights, 1999-2006

·       Center’s Co-founder
·       Coordinator of research activities
·       Coordinator of implementing human rights education in the higher education, senior high schools and junior high schools
·       Coordinator of lectures conducted by visiting international human rights activists, educators, scholars and officials

GPPAC(Global Partnership on Prevention of Armed Conflict), North East Asia,

Taipei Focal Point representative 2004-2006

Research Projects

Justice in Transition and Transitional Justice, 2014-2017, Ministry of Science and Technology.

The Interculturality in Taiwan's Human Rights Discourses, 2012-2014, National Science Council.

The Philosophical and Ethical Discourses of Radical Evil After Auschwitz, 2009-2011, National Science Council.

Are Human Rights Western?, 2007-2008, National Science Council.
Human Rights Education in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China, 2006-2007, National Science Council.
What are Human Rights?- On Human Rights as Moral and Legal Rights, 2004-2006, National Science Council.
Kant’s Cosmopolitanism and Global Governance, 2003-2004, National Science Council.
Kant on Perpetual Peace, 2002-2003, National Science Council.
Kant on Autonomy, 2000-2002, National Science Council.
Contemporary Studies on Kant's Categorical Imperative, 1998-2000, National Science Council.
Feminist Approaches to Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis, 1998-1999, National Science Council.

